Кафедра інформатики та прикладної математики
Фізико-математичний факультет

Faculty of Foreign Languages

Dean: Vardanian Maryna Volodymyrivna Doctor in Philology, Associate Professor. 

Vice Dean: Dyrda Iryna Anatoliivna PhD in Pedagogics, Senior Lecturer.  

Inspectors: Kokorina Liudmyla Volodymyrivna, Kirieieva Marharyta Viktorivna

E-mail:  [email protected]

Telephone: (056) 470-12-43     +38 096 143 1041  

The Faculty of Foreign Languages is one of the youngest faculties of the University. It was founded in 1995. 

The Faculty employs about 88 academic teachers including professors and associate professors. It includes 4 departments, 2 computer labs, 2 linguaphone laboratories. The student body of the Faculty consists of 380 students on Bachelor’s and Master’s programmes.

The Faculty of Foreign Languages has intensive research collaboration with leading teaching staff, universities and research centres of the USA, the UK and Canada.

The Faculty offers education at two levels:

Bachelor’s Programme:

- 014 Secondary Education (Language and Literature (English))   Additional Speciality 014 Secondary Education (Language and Literature (German));

- 014 Secondary Education (Language and Literature (German))  Additional Speciality 014 Secondary Education (Language and Literature (English));

- 014 Secondary Education (Language and Literature (Russian))  Additional Speciality 014 Secondary Education (Language and Literature (English));

- 035 Philology  Additional Speciality 035.041 Germanic Languages (including Translation: main-English, additional - German).


Master’s Programme:

- 014 Secondary Education (Language and Literature (English))   Additional Speciality 014 Secondary Education (Language and Literature (German));

- 014 Secondary Education (Language and Literature (German))  Additional Speciality 014 Secondary Education (Language and Literature (English));

- 014 Secondary Education (Language and Literature (Russian))  Additional Speciality 014 Secondary Education (Language and Literature (English)).



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