Кафедра інформатики та прикладної математики
Фізико-математичний факультет

Icon Masted 2024 1Збірник наукових праць Міжнародної конференції ICon-MaSTEd 2024 індексовано у науковометричній базі Scopus. У секції методики навчання математики доповіді представляли професор Ірина Лов'янова, доценти Тетяна Армаш і Тетяна Крамаренко.

Mathematics Education

The case classification and their development for would-be mathematics teachers' training

V V Achkan, K V Vlasenko, I V Lovianova, R Yu Kaluhin and T S Armash

Open abstract, The case classification and their development for would-be mathematics teachers’ training View article, The case classification and their development for would-be mathematics teachers' training PDF, The case classification and their development for would-be mathematics teachers' training

The usage of stochastic matrices while learning the topic "Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a matrix" in the course of Higher Mathematics

K V Vlasenko, T S Armash, A A Kostikov, I V Lovianova and M V Moiseienko

Open abstract, The usage of stochastic matrices while learning the topic “Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a matrix” in the course of Higher Mathematics View article, The usage of stochastic matrices while learning the topic "Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a matrix" in the course of Higher Mathematics PDF, The usage of stochastic matrices while learning the topic "Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a matrix" in the course of Higher Mathematics

Structural and functional model of formation of STEM-competencies of students of professional higher education institutions in mathematics teaching

O S Pylypenko and T H Kramarenko

Open abstract, Structural and functional model of formation of STEM-competencies of students of professional higher education institutions in mathematics teaching View article, Structural and functional model of formation of STEM-competencies of students of professional higher education institutions in mathematics teaching PDF, Structural and functional model of formation of STEM-competencies of students of professional higher education institutions in mathematics teaching


Icon Masted 2024 2Викладачі кафедри щиро вдячні за підтримку професору кафедри інформатики та прикладної математики С. О. Семерікову,  доценту Ірині Мінтій (Інститут цифрової освіти НАПН України).

ICon-MaSTEd 2025 Call for Papers

ICon-MaSTEd 2025 : XVII International Conference on Mathematics, Science and Technology Education

Link: https://icon-masted.easyscience.education/2025/

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