Books: |
Хоменко І.В., Шрамко Я.В., Санду Г., Козаченко Н.П. Сучасна логіка: підручник, ч. 2. Некласична логіка, Київ: ВПЦ "Київський університет", 2017. – 159 с. (Khomenko I., Shramko Y., Sandu G., Kozachenko N. Modern Logic: a Primer, part 2. Non-classical Logic (in Ukrainian), Kyiv: Kyiv University Press, 2017. – 159 p.)
Кебуладзе В., Дзядевич Т., Козаченко Н., Лаврухин А., Менжулин В., Огаркова Т., Панафидина О., Шрамко Я. Политики знания и научные сообщества,
Вильнюс: Европейский гуманитарный университет, 2015. – 210 с.
(Kebuladze V., Dzyadevich T., Kozachenko N., Lavrukhin A., Menzhulin V.,
Ogarkova T., Panafidina O., Shramko Ya. Knowledge Policies and
Scientific Communities (in Russian), Vilnius: European Humanities University, 2015. –
210 p.) |
Shramko Y., Wansing, H.
Truth and Falsehood. An Inquiry into Generalized Logical Values, Springer, 2011, 250 p. |
Shramko Y. Intuitionismus und Relevanz, Logos-Verlag, Berlin, 1999,
181 S. |
Карпинская О.Ю., Ляшенко О.В., Меськов В.С., Шрамко Я.В. Экспресс-Логика. – М.: ИНФРА-М, 1997. – 260 c. (Karpinskaya O., Lyashenko O., Meskov V., Shramko Y. Express-Logic (in Russian), Moscow, INFRA-M, 1997, 260 pp.)
Шрамко Я.В. Логическое следование и интуиционизм. – К.: ИПОЛ, 1997. – 179 с. (Shramko Y. Logical Entailment and Intuitionism (in
Russian), Kiev, VIPOL-Publisher, 1997, 179 pp.)
Меськов В.С., Карпинская О.Ю., Ляшенко О.В., Шрамко Я.В. Логика: наука и искусство. – М.: Высшая школа, 1992. – 333. c (Meskov, V.; Karpinskaya, O.; Lyashenko, O., Shramko Y.
Logic: Science and Art (in Russian), Moscow,
High-School Press, 1992, 333 pp.)
Edited Volumes: |
Shramko Y., Wansing H.: Truth Values. Part II, Special issue of Studia Logica, v. 92, No 2, 2009, 137 p. |
Shramko Y., Wansing H.: Truth Values. Part I, Special issue of Studia Logica, v. 91, No 3, 2009, 160 p. |
Wansing H., Odintsov S., Shramko Y., : Negation in Constructive Logic, Special issue of Studia Logica, v. 80, No 2-3, 2005, 315 p. |
Korpalo O., Shramko Y.: Modern Spanish and Ukrainian Analytic Philosophy:
Philosophical Studies (Special issue of "Geneza"), Kiev, 2002, 110 p. |
Shramko Y., Korpalo O.: Analytical Philosophy and Epistemology in Ukraine:
Seccion Monografica of Theoria, San Sebastian, Vol. 14/1, No. 34, 1999,
pp. 5-127. |
Papers: |
Шрамко Я., Хоменко І. Сучасна аналітична філософія: історичні витоки та перспективи розвитку. (За матеріалами 11-го міжнародного конгресу Товариства аналітичної філософії, 12-15.09.2022, Берлін, Німеччина) // Sententiae, v. 41, 2022, pp. 197-205.
(Shramko Y., Khomenko I. Modern analytic philosophy: historical origins and prospects of development. (Based on the materials of the 11th International Congress of the Society for Analytical Philosophy, September 12-15, 2022, Berlin, Germany) (in Ukrainian) // Sententiae, v. 41, 2022, pp. 197-205.)
Shramko Y. The diamond of mingle logics: a four-fold infinite way to be safe from paradox, in: Bimbó, Katalin, (ed.), Relevance Logics and other Tools for Reasoning. Essays in Honor of J. Michael Dunn, (Tributes, vol. 46), College Publications, London, UK, 2022, pp. 365-393.
Shramko Y. Between Hilbert and Gentzen: four-valued consequence systems and structural reasoning, Archive for Mathematical Logic, v. 61, 2022, pp. 627-651.
Shramko Y. Hilbert-style axiomatization of first-degree entailment and a family of its extensions, Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, v. 172, 2021, Article 103011.
Shramko Y. First-degree entailment and binary consequence systems, Journal of Applied Logics – IfCoLoG Journal of Logics and their Applications, v. 7, 2020, pp. 1221-1240.
Shramko Y., Wansing H. The nature of entailment: an informational approach, Synthese, v. 198, 2021, pp. 5241-5261.
Shramko Y. The nature of scientific philosophy, Logic and Logical Philosophy, v. 29, 2020, pp. 3-18.
Shramko Y. First-degree entailment and structural reasoning, in: Omori H., Wansing H. (eds) New Essays on Belnap-Dunn Logic. Synthese Library (Studies in Epistemology, Logic, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science), vol 418. Springer, Cham, 2019, pp. 311-324.
Shramko Y., Zaitsev D., Belikov A. The Fmla-Fmla axiomatizations of the exactly true and non-falsity logics and some of their cousins, Journal of Philosophical Logic, v. 48, 2019, pp. 787-808.
Shramko Y. Dual-Belnap logic and anything but falsehood, Journal of Applied Logics – IfCoLoG Journal of Logics and their Applications, v. 6, 2019, pp. 413-433.
Shramko Y., Zaitsev D., Belikov A. First-degree entailment and its relatives, Studia Logica, v. 105, 2017, pp. 1291-1317.
Kamide N., Shramko Y., Wansing H. Kripke completeness of bi-intuitionistic multilattice logic and its connexive variant, Studia Logica, v. 105, 2017, pp. 1193-1219.
Shramko Y. Semantic representation of inconsistent intuitionistic theories, Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Philosophy, no. 2, 2017, pp. 23-26.
Kamide N., Shramko Y. Modal multilattice logic, Logica Universalis, v. 11, 2017, pp. 317-343.
Shramko Y. Review
of: Norihiro Kamide and Heinrich Wansing, Proof Theory of N4-related
Paraconsistent Logics. Studies in Logic vol. 54. College Publications,
2015, pp. 414. ISBN-13: 978-1848901674, Studia Logica, v. 105, 2017, pp. 665-668.
Kamide N., Shramko Y. Embedding from multilattice logic into classical logic and vice versa, Journal of Logic and Computation, v. 27, 2017, pp. 1549-1575.
Шрамко Я. Принцип дуальності в логіці і філософії // Філософська думка, – № 3. – 2016. – С. 47-63.
(Shramko Y. The principle of duality in logic and philosophy (in Ukrainian) // Filosofska Dumka. – № 3. – 2016. – pp. 47-63.)
Shramko Y. A modal translation for dual-intuitionistic logic, The Review of Symbolic Logic, v. 9, 2016, pp. 251-265.
Shramko Y. Truth, falsehood, information and beyond: the American Plan generalized, in: Katalin Bimbo (ed.)
J. Michael Dunn on Information Based Logics, Outstanding Contributions to Logic, v. 8, Springer, 2016, pp. 191-212.
Shramko Y. Is time reversible?,
Logic and Logical Philosophy, v. 24, 2015, pp. 143-153.
Шрамко Я.В. Предисловие к публикации: Фридрих Вайсман, "Что такое логический анализ?"// Актуальні проблеми духовності.
– Кривий Ріг: ДВНЗ "КНУ", № 16, 2015. – С. 186-189. (Shramko Y. An
introductory note to: Friedrich Waismann, "Was ist logische Analyse?"
(in Russian) // Actual Problems of Mind, No 16, 2015, pp. 186-189.)
Вайсман Ф. Что такое логический анализ? (перевод с английского) // Актуальні проблеми духовності. – Кривий Ріг: ДВНЗ "КНУ", № 16, 2015. – С. 97-122.
С. 190-216. (Waismann F. Was ist logische Analyse? (translarion into Russian) //
Actual Problems of Mind, No 16, 2015, pp. 97-122.)
Shramko Y. The logical way of being true: Truth values and the ontological foundation of logic,
Logic and Logical Philosophy, v. 23, 2014, pp. 119-131.
Шрамко Я.В. Природа філософії та її предмет // Актуальні проблеми духовності.
– Кривий Ріг: ДВНЗ "КНУ", № 15, 2014. – С. 1-13. (Shramko Y. The nature
of philosophy and its subject-matter (in Ukrainian) // Actual Problems of Mind, No 15, 2014, pp. 1-13.)
Zaitsev D., Shramko Y. Bi-facial truth:
a case for generalized truth values, Studia Logica, v. 101, 2013, pp. 1299-1318.
Шрамко Я.В. Логическое доказательство необратимости
времени // Эпистемология и философия науки. – № 1. – 2013. – С. 85-94.
(Shramko Y. A logical proof of irreversibility of time (in Russian) // Epistemology and Philosophy of Science. –
№ 1. – 2013. – pp. 85-94.)
Шрамко Я.В. Рецензия на: М. Коэн, Э. Нагель. Введение в логику и научный метод / пер. с англ. П.С. Куслия. –
Челябинск: Социум, 2010 // Философские науки. – № 7. – 2012. – С. 127-135.
(Shramko Y. Review of: An Introduction to Logic and Scientific Method. By M. Cohen and E. Nagel /
translation P.S. Kusly (in Russian) // Filosofskie Nauki. – № 7. – 2012. – pp. 127-135.)
Shramko Y. What is a genuine intuitionistic notion of falsity? Logic and
Logical Philosophy, v. 21, 2012, pp. 3-23.
Шрамко Я.В. Философия: наука или мировоззрение? // Язык – знание – реальность. – М.: Альфа-М, 2011. – С. 267-285. (Shramko Y. Philosophy: Science or world-view? (in Russian) // Language – Knowledge – Reality, Moscow: Alpha-M, 2011, pp. 267-285.)
Шрамко Я.В. Каково подлинное понятие ложности в интуиционистской логике? // Логическая семантика: перспективы для философии языка и
эпистемологии. – М.: Креативная экономика, 2011. – С. 143-160. (Shramko Y. What is a genuine notion of falsity in intuitionistic logic?
(in Russian) // Logical Semantics: The Prospects for Philosophy of Language and Epistemology, Moscow: Creative Economy, 2011, pp. 143-160.)
Шрамко Я.В. Предикат истины в контрфактических контекстах: в защиту дефляционизма // Эпистемология и философия науки. – № 2. – 2011. –
С. 80-96. (Shramko Y. The truth predicate in counterfactual contexts: in defence of deflationism (in Russian) // Epistemology and Philosophy of Science,
No 2 (XXVIII), 2011, pp. 80-96.) (pdf-file)
Шрамко Я.В. Гилберт Райл и методология философского исследования // Эпистемология и философия науки. – № 3. – 2010. –
С. 186-189. (Shramko Y. Gilbert Ryle and methodology of philosophical investigation (in Russian) // Epistemology and Philosophy of Science,
No 3 (XXV), 2010, pp. 186-189.)
Райл Г. Систематически дезориентирующие выражения (перевод с английского вместе с Л.В. Кулабуховой) // Эпистемология и философия науки. – № 3. – 2010. –
С. 190-216. (Shramko Y., Kulabukhova L.: Systematically misleading expressions by Gilbert Ryle (translarion into Russian) //
Epistemology and Philosophy of Science, No 3 (XXV), 2010, pp. 190-216.)
Shramko Y., Wansing H. Truth Values, The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Summer 2010 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), URL =
Россман В., Шрамко Я. Должен ли философ быть поэтом? // Логос. – № 4-5 (72). – 2009. – С. 106-135.
(Rossman V., Shramko Y. Should philosopher be a poet? (in Russian), Logos, No 4-5 (72), 2009, pp. 106-135.)
Шрамко Я. Истина и ложь: что такое истинностные значения и для чего они
нужны // Логос. – № 2 (70). – 2009. – С. 96-121.
(Shramko Y. Truth and Falsehood: what are truth values and what they are needed for (in Russian), Logos, No 2 (70), 2009, pp. 96-121.)
Shramko Y., Wansing H.
The Slingshot Argument and Sentential Identity, Studia Logica, v. 91, 2009, pp. 429-455.
Shramko Y., Wansing H.
Editorial Introduction. Truth Values: Part I, Studia Logica, v. 91, 2009, pp. 295-304.
Wansing H., Shramko Y.
Harmonious many-valued propositional
logics and the logic of computer networks, in: C. Degremont, L.
Keiff and H. Rueckert (eds.), Dialogues, Logics and Other
Strange Things. Essays in Honour of Shahid Rahman, College
Publications, 2008, pp. 491-516.
Wansing H., Shramko Y.
A note on two ways of defining a many-valued logic, in: Michal Pelis (ed.)
The Logica Yearbook 2007, Filosofia, Prague,
2008, pp. 255-266.
Wansing H., Shramko Y.
Suszko’s Thesis, Inferential Many-valuedness, and the Notion of a Logical System, Studia Logica, v. 88, 2008, pp. 405-429.
Shramko Y., Wansing H.
Entailment relations and/as truth values, Bulletin of the Section of Logic, v. 36/3-4, 2007, pp. 131-143.
Шрамко Я.В. Что такое аналитическая флософия? //
Эпистемология и философия науки. – 2007. – № 1. – С. 87-110 (Shramko Y. What is analytic philosophy?
(in Russian), Epistemology and Philosophy of Science, v. XI, No 1, 2007, pp. 87-110.)
Shramko Y., Wansing H.
Hyper-contradictions, generalized truth values and logics of truth and falsehood, Journal of Logic, Language and Information,
15, No 4, 2006, pp. 403-423.
Шрамко Я. Логика вопросов без ответов // Логос. – 2006.
– № 2 (53). – С. 173-180. (Shramko Y. The logic of questions without answers (in Russian), Logos, No 2 (53), 2006, pp. 173-180.)
Шрамко Я.В. Аналитическая эпистемология // Аналитическая философия: учебное пособие
(под ред. Лебедева М.В., Черняка А.З.).
– Гл. 6. – М.: РУДН, 2006. – С. 345-396. (Shramko Y. Analytic
epistemology (in Russian), Chapter 6 in: M. Lebedev and A. Chernyak
(eds.), Analytic Philosophy, Moscow, 2006,
pp. 345-396.)
Шрамко Я. Некоторые проблемы аналитической эпистемологии //
Логос. – 2006. – № 1 (52). – С. 3-25. (Shramko Y. Some problems of analytic epistemology (in Russian), Logos, No 1 (52), 2006, pp. 3-25.)
Шрамко Я. Парадокс познаваемости мира // Логика: перспективы
развития. – К.: ИПЦ "Киевский университет", 2006. – С. 101-107. (Shramko
Y. "The paradox of knowability" (in Russian), Logic: The Prospects of Development, Kiev: Kiev University, 2006, pp. 101-107.)
Ванзинг Г., Шрамко Я.В. Логика компьютерных сетей // Логические исследования.
– Вып. 12. – М.: Наука, 2005. – С. 119-145. (Shramko Y., Wansing H. The logic of computer networks (in Russian), Logical Studies, Moscow, vol. 12, 2005, pp. 119-145.)
Shramko Y.
Dual intuitionistic logic and a variety of negations: the logic of scientific research, Studia Logica, 80, No 2-3, 2005, pp. 347-367.
Shramko Y., Wansing H.
Some useful 16-valued logics: how a computer network should think, Journal of Philosophical Logic, 34, No 2, 2005, pp. 121-153.
Шрамко Я. Очерк истории возникновения и развития аналитической философии //
Логос. – 2005. – № 2 (47). – С. 4-12. (Shramko Y. An essay on genesis of analytic philosophy (in Russian), Logos, No 2 (47), 2005, pp. 4-12.
Карнап Р., Ган Г., Нейрат О.
Научное миропонимание – Венский кружок (перевод с немецкого Я.В. Шрамко) // Логос.
– 2005. – № 2 (47). – С. 13-27. ("Wissenschaftliche Weltauffassung –
Der Wiener Kreis" von R. Carnap, H. Hahn, O. Neurath (translation into
Russian by Y. Shramko), Logos, No 2 (47), 2005, pp. 13-27.)
Шрамко Я.В. Знания и убеждения: их развитие и критический пересмотр // Философия науки. – 2005. – № 1 (24). – С. 3-19. (Shramko Y. "Knowledge and belief: their development and critical revision"
(in Russian), Philosophy of Science, No. 1 (24), 2005, pp. 3-19.)
Зайцев Д.В., Шрамко Я.В. Логическое следование и выделенные значения //
Логические исследования. – Вып. 11. – М.: Наука 2004. – С. 126-137.
(Shramko Y., Zajtsev D. Logical entailment and designated truth values
(in Russian), Logical Studies, Moscow, vol. 11, 2004, pp. 126-137.)
Shramko Y. Die logische Wahrheitswerteontologie, in: Bente Christiansen und Uwe Scheffler (eds.),
Was folgt. Themen zu Wessel, Logos-Verlag, Berlin, 2004, pp. 149-169.
Френкель А. О диагональном методе Кантора //
Вестник Московского университета. – Серия 7. Философия. – 2003. – № 5. – С. 62-67. (Zum Diagonalverfahren Cantors by
A. Fraenkel (Translation into Russian), Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta, Ser. 7. Filosofia, No. 5, 2003, pp. 62-67.)
Шрамко Я.В. Теорема Кантора и 'фигуры умолчания' в научной дискуссии (послесловие переводчика) //
Вестник Московского университета. – Серия 7. Философия. – 2003. – № 5. – С. 68-72.
(Shramko Y. Cantor's theorem and 'silence figures' in a scientific discussion
(in Russian), Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta, Ser. 7. Filosofia,
No. 5, 2003, pp. 68-72.)
Шрамко Я.В. Логика научного исследования // Логика и В.Е.К. Сборник, посвященный 90-летию проф. Е.К. Войшвилло. – М.:
Современные тетради, 2003. – С. 237-249. Он-лайн версия в электронном журнале
Логические исследования. – 2003 – № 10 (ISBN 5-85593-140-4).
(Shramko, Y. The logic of scientific research (In Russian), Logic and V.E.K.: Festschrift dedicated to 90th birthday of Prof. E.K.Voishvillo, Sovremennye tetradi, Moscow, 2003, pp. 237-249. The On-line version see: Logical Studies, (Online Journal), No. 10, 2003 (ISBN 5-85593-140-4).)
Neuhaus F., Scheffler U., Shramko Y. Tautologien und Trivialitäten?
Logische Methoden in der Philosophie, Zeitschrift für philosophische Forschung,
B. 57, No 3, 2003, S. 410-428.
Россман В.И., Шрамко Я.В. О философии континентальной и аналитической и об интеллектуальной многоукладности. – Вопросы философии. – 2002. – № 11. – С. 106-123.
(Rossman V., Shramko Y. On philosophy continental and analytic and on intellectual plurality (in Russian), Voprosy Filosofii, No 11, 2002, pp. 106-123.)
Шрамко Я.В. Обобщенные истинностные значения: решетки и мультирешетки // Логические исследования. – Вып. 9. – М.: Наука, 2002.
– С. 264-291. Он-лайн версия в электронном журнале
Логические исследования. – 2002 – № 8.
(Shramko Y. Generalized truth values: lattices and multilattices (in Russian), Logical Studies, Moscow, vol. 9, 2002, pp. 264-291. The On-line version see in: Logical Studies (Online Journal), No. 8, 2002.)
Шрамко Я.В. Ревізія знань як проблема наукової епістемології // Філософські студії. Спеціальний випуск журналу "Генеза". –
К.: Генеза, 2002. – С. 86-91. (Shramko Y. Belief revision as a problem of scientific epistemology (in Ukrainian), Philosophical Studies, Kiev, 2002, pp.86-91.)
Россман В.I., Шрамко Я.В.Сучасна філософія й інтелектуальна
багатоукладність // Актуальні проблеми духовності. – Кривий Ріг: "І.В.І", 2002. – С. 162-182.
(Rossman V., Shramko Y. Modern philosophy and intellectual plurality (in Ukrainian), Actual Problems of Mind, v. 4, Krivoi Rog, 2002, pp.162-182.)
Shramko Y. Semantics for constructive negations, in:
H. Wansing (ed.) Essays on Non-Classical Logic, World Scientific,
New Jersey – London – Singapore – Hong Kong, 2001, pp. 187-217.
Shramko Y., Dunn J.M. and Takenaka T. The trilaticce
of constructive truth values, Journal of Logic and
Computation, v. 11, No. 6, 2001, pp. 761-788.
Шрамко Я.В. Ошибка Георга Кантора? // Вопросы философии. – № 9. – 2001. – С. 154-156.
(Shramko Y. A mistake by Georg Cantor? (in Russian), Voprosy Filosofii, No. 9, 2001, pp. 154-156.)
Shramko Y.
Relevante intuitionistische Systeme vom E-Typ,
in: Argument & Analyse. Vorträge des
vierten internationalen Kongresses der Gesellschaft für Analytische
Philosophie, Mentis-Verlag, 2001, S. 115-126.
Шрамко Я.В. Онтологическая модель истинностных значений // Комп'ютерне моделювання та інформаційні технології в науці, економіці та освіті. – Кривий Ріг, 2001. – С. 287-297.
(Shramko Y. An ontological model of truth values (in Russian),
in: Computer Modeling and Informational Technologies in Science,
Economy and Education, v. 1, Kryvyi Rih, 2001, pp. 287-297.)
Шрамко Я.В. Американский план для интуиционистской логики 2: обобщенные интуиционистские модели // Логические исследования
(электронный журнал, ISBN 5-85593-141-2). – № 5 – 2000. (Shramko Y.
American plan for intuitionistic logic 2: generalized Kripke models (in
Russian), Logical Studies, No. 5, 2000 (Online Journal, ISBN 5-85593-141-2).)
Shramko Y. American plan for intuitionistic logic 1:
an intuitive background, in: Timothy Childers (ed.)
The Logica Yearbook 1999, Filosofia, Prague,
2000, pp. 53-64.
Scheffler U., Shramko Y. The logical ontology of negative
facts. On what is not, in: J. Faye, U. Scheffler and M. Urchs (eds.)
Things, Facts and Events, Poznan Studies in the Philosophy
of Sciences and the Humanities, v. 76, Rodopi, Amsterdam – Atlanla,
GA, 2000, pp. 109-131.
Shramko Y. Review of Kaj B. Hansen: Applied Logic,
Studia Logica, v. 63, No. 3, 1999, pp. 429-432.
Shramko Y. State-descriptions as a method of semantic
analysis for intuitionistic logic, in: J. Nida-Rümelin
(ed.) Rationality, Realism, Revision, Perspectives in
Analytical Philosophy, v. 23, Walter de Gruyter, Berlin –
New York, 1999, pp. 110-118.
Shramko Y. A theory of relevant properties 1: reflections
and definitions, Theoria, vol. 14/1, 1999, pp.
63-81. (pdf-file) |
Korpalo O., Omelyantchik V., Shramko Y. Presentation of
the special issue of "Theoria" ("Analytical
Philosophy and Epistemology in Ukraine"), Theoria,
vol. 14/1, 1999, pp. 5-9. (pdf-file)
Shramko Y. A philosophically plausible modified Grzegorczyk
semantics for first-degree intuitionistic entailment, Logique
et Analyse, 161-162-163, 1998, pp. 167-188.
Scheffler U., Shramko Y. Eine Generelle
Informationssemantik für Systeme der logischen
Folgebeziehung, in: K. Wuttich und U.Scheffler (eds.)
Terminigebrauch und Folgebeziehung, Logos, Berlin, 1998, pp.
Shramko Y. Time and negation, in: J. Faye, U.
Scheffler and M. Urchs (eds.), Perspectives on Time,
Dordrecht / Boston / London (Kluwer Academic Publishers), 1997,
pp. 399-416.
Shramko Y. Review of Walter P. van Stigt: Brower’s
Intuitionism, Journal of Applied Non-Classical
Logics, v. 6, No. 3, 1996.
Shramko Y. Relevant variants of intuitionistic
logic, Bulletin of IGPL, vol. 2, no. 1, 1994
pp. 47-53.
Шрамко Я.В. Релевантное следование сохраняет не-ложность (чисто
семантическое доказательство) // Вестн. Моск. Ун-та. – Сер. 7. –
Философия. – 1994. – № 1. – C. 61-64.
(Shramko Y. Relevant entailment preserves non-falsity (a purely semantic
(in Russian), Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta, Seria 7: Philosophy, 1994, no. 1, p.61-64.)
Shramko Y. Applying relevant logic to the analysis of
some problems of causality, in: J. Faye, U. Scheffler, and
M. Urchs (eds.) Logic and Causal Reasoning, Berlin,
Akademie-Verlag, 1994, pp. 109-122.
Shramko Y. Relevant properties, Logic and
Logical Philosophy, v. 2, 1994, pp. 103-115.
(pdf-file) |
Шрамко Я.В. Логічна реконструкція вчення Г. Сковороди про дві натури // Філософська, педагогічна та літературно-мистецька спадщина Г.С. Сковороди і сучасність. – Кривий Ріг, 1994. – С. 44-46.
(Shramko Y. A logical reconstruction of G. Skovoroda's
theory of two natures (in Ukrainian), in: The Philosophical, Pedagogical and Literary-Artistic Heritage
of G. Skovoroda and the Present Time, Kryvyi Rih, 1994,
pp. 44-46.)
Шрамко Я.В. Деякі методологічні проблеми історико-філософського
дослідження (до питання про так званну 'Історію філософії на Україні')
// Філософська, педагогічна та літературно-мистецька спадщина Г.С. Сковороди і сучасність. – Кривий Ріг, 1994. – С. 61-64.
(Shramko N. Shramko Y. On some problems of historical-philosophical investigation (in Ukrainian), in: The Philosophical, Pedagogical and Literary-Artistic Heritage of G. Skovoroda and the Present Time, Kryvyi Rih, 1994, pp. 59-60.)
Shramko Y. Review of: Peter Geach. Philosophical
Encounters. ed. by Harry A. Lewis, From the Logical
Point of View, vol. 3, 1993, pp. 66-69. |
Shramko Y. Review of A. Karpenko: Fatalism and
Contingency of the Future – A Logical Analysis,
From the Logical Point of View, vol. 2, 1992, pp.
Шрамко Я.В. К проблеме релевантного следования для интуиционистской логики // Логико-философские исследования. – М., 1989. – С. 165-175.
(Shramko Y. On the problem of relevant entailment for intuitionistic logic (in Russian), in:
Logico-Philosophical Investigations, vol. 1, Moscow, 1989, pp. 165-175.)
Abstracts: |
Shramko Y. The diamond of mingle logics: a four-fold infinite way to be safe from paradox, in: GAP.11, Philosophie und Öffentlichkeit, Philosophy and The Public, 11. Kongress der Gesellschaft für Analytische Philosophie, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 12-15. September 2022, p. 184.
Shramko Y. Structural first-degree entailment, R-Mingle and the infinity of safety, in: Proceedings of the Sixth World Congress of Paraconsistency, The Second Stanislaw Jaskowski Memorial Symposium, September 5-8, 2022, Torun, Poland, p.43-44.
Shramko Y. R-Mingle in the framework of a purely Tarskian logic: Safety completed, in: Logic4Peace: fundraising online Logic event for Peace, 22-23 April 2022.
Shramko Y. The nature of scientific philosophy and its subject matter, in: Formal Methods and Science in Philosophy IV, Inter-University Center, Dubrovnik, 21-23 April 2022.
Shramko Y. Structural reasoning and four-valued logic: a case study, in: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Non-Classical Logics. Theory and Applications, Łódź, 14-18 March 2022, Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science, EPTCS, 2022, 358.
Shramko Y. First-degree entailment and structural reasoning, in: 16th International Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science and Technology. Bridging across academic cultures, Prague, 5-10 August 2019, Book of Abstracts, pp. 440-441.
(pdf-file) |
Shramko Y. The dual Belnap logic and anything but falsehood, in: ISRALOG'17 The Third Israeli Workshop on Non-Classical Logics and Their Applications, University of Haifa, 15-17 October 2017, pp. 19-21.
(pdf-file) |
Shramko Y. A modal translation for dual-intuitionistic logic, in: GAP.9 Philosophie zwischen Lehrstul und Labor / Philosophy between Armchair and Lab,
Osnabrück, 14-17 September 2015, p. 136. |
Shramko Y. A modal translation for dual-intuitionistic logic, in: 8th Smirnov's
Readings in Logic, 19-21 June, Moscow, 2013, pp. 39-41.
(pdf-file) |
Shramko Y. Logic and Values, in:
Philosophy and Logic – 2013, International Workshop, May 23-25, 2013, p.37. |
Shramko Y., Wansing H. Truth-Values (a tutorial on the 4th World School on Universal Logic), in:
Handbook of the 4th World Congress and School on Universal Logic, March 29 – April 7, 2013, Rio de Janeiro,
Brazil, pp.19-23.
(Session 1: pdf-file;
Session 2: pdf-file;
Session 3: pdf-file) |
Shramko Y. Why do we need generalized truth-values?, in: The book of Abstracts of the 5th Conference of Non-Classical Logic.
Theory and Applications, September 27-29, 2012, Torun, p.38. |
Shramko Y. Two-faced truth: generalized classical truth-values, in: Trends in Logic XI,
Studia Logica International Conference, Advances in Philosophical Logic, June 3-5, 2012, Ruhr University
Bochum, p.5. (Joint work with Dmitry Zaitsev.) |
Шрамко Я.В. Понятие ложности в интуиционистской логике // Седьмые
Смирновские чтения по логике. – Материалы международной научной
(Москва, 22-24 июня 2011 г.) – М.: Современные тетради, 2011. – С.
118-119. (Shramko Y. The notion of falsity
in intuitionistic logic (in Russian), in: 7th Smirnov's
Readings in Logic, 22-24 June, Moscow, 2011, pp. 118-119.) |
Shramko Y. Truth as a mathematical object, in: Mathematics and Life Sciences: Possibilities,
Interplacements and Limits, Humboldt Kolleg, Book of Abstracts, Kyiv, 05.-08.08.2010, p. 91. |
Шрамко Я.В. К проблеме определения логических отношений между
высказываниями // Проблеми викладання логіки та дисциплін логічного
циклу. – IV міжнародна науково-практична конференція (13-14 травня 2010
р.). – Матеріали доповідей і виступів. – Київ: ВПЦ "Киівський
університет", 2010. – С. 51-52.
(Shramko Y. On the problem of logical relations between propositions (in
in: Problems of Logical Education. IV International Conference, Kiev, 13-14.05.2010, pp. 51-52.) |
Shramko Y. Entailment relations and many-valued logics, in: Nachdenken und Vordenken – Herausdorderungen an die Philosophie, GAP.7, Bremen, 14.-17.9.2009, pp. 125-126. |
Wansing H., Shramko Y. The Slingshot Argument and sentential identity, in: Logica 2009, 22-26 June, Hejnice Monastery, 2009, pp. 67-68. |
Шрамко Я.В. Аргумент рогатки и нефрегевская логика // Шестые
Смирновские чтения по логике. – Материалы международной научной
(Москва, 17-19 июня 2009 г.) – М.: Современные тетради, 2009. – С.
112-114. (Shramko Y. The Slingshot Argument and non-Fregean logic
(in Russian), in: 6th Smirnov's Readings in Logic, 17-19 June, Moscow, 2009, pp. 112-114.) |
Wansing H., Shramko Y. Harmonious many-valued logic,
in: Smirnov's Readings in Logic. 5th
Conference, 20-22 June, Moscow, 2007, pp. 56-57. |
Шрамко Я.В. Логика в системе философского образования: применение
методов современной логики к анализу философских проблем //
Логіка та багаторівнева система освіти: методологія та методика
викладання. – Міжнародна наукова конференція (11-12 травня 2006 р.).
– Матеріали доповідей та виступів. – Київ: ВПЦ "Киівський університет",
2006. – С. 144-145.
(Shramko Y. Logic in the system of philosophical education:
applications of the methods of modern logic to analysis of
philosophical problems (in Russian),
in: Logic and Education. International Conference, Kiev, 11-12.05.2006, pp. 144-145.) |
Шрамко Я.В. Логика компьютерных сетей // Философия и будущее
цивилизации: тезисы докладов и выступлений IV Российского философского
конгресса (Москва, 24-28 мая 2005 г.): в 5 т. Т.1. – М.: Современные
тетради, 2005. – С. 551-552.
(Shramko Y. The logic of computer networks (in Russian),
in: Philosophy and the Future of Civilization. IV Russian Philosophical Congress, Moscow, 24-28.05.2005, Volume 1, pp. 551-552.) |
Shramko Y. Was sind und was sollen die Wahrheitswerte?
(Die logische Wahrheitswerteontologie), in: Philosophie
und/als Wissenschaft. Fünfter Internationaler Kongress der
Gesellschaft für Analytische Philosophie, Bielefeld,
22.-26.09.2003, S. 133-134. |
Shramko Y. The logic of scientific research,
in: 12th International Congress of Logic, Methodology and
Philosophy of Science, Volume of Abstracts, Oviedo (Spain),
August 7-13, 2003, pp. 129-130. |
Shramko Y. The logic of scientific research,
in: Smirnov's Readings. 4th International
Conference, Moscow, 2003, pp. 216-218. |
Шрамко Я.В. Решетки истинностных значений // Человек – Культура –
Общество. Актуальные проблемы философских, политологических и
религиоведческих исследований. – Материалы Международной конференции,
посвященной 60-летию воссоздания философского факультета в структуре
МГУ им. М.В. Ломоносова (13-15 февраля 2002 г.). – Том II. – Москва,
2002. – C. 53-54.
(Shramko Y. The lattices of truth-values (in Russian), in: Human – Culture – Society, Moscow, 2002, pp. 53-54.) |
Shramko Y. Intuitionistic state-descriptions: a semantic
framework for intuitionistic theories, in: The Vienna
Circle and Logical Empiricism. Re-evaluation and Future
Perspectives of the Research and Historiography; International
Symposion on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the Institute
Vienna Circle, Campus of the University of Vienna,
12-14 July 2001, p. 55. |
Shramko Y. Overdetermined and underdetermined valuations
in intuitionistic logic, in: Smirnov's Readings. 3rd International
Conference, Moscow, 2001, pp. 73-75. |
Shramko Y. Relevante intuitionistische Systeme vom
E-Typ, in: Argument und Analyse; 4. Internationaler
Kongress der Gesellschaft für Analytische
Philosophie, Bielefeld, 2000, pp. 49-50. |
Shramko Y. Belief revision: doxastic actions and doxastic commitments,
in: 11th International Congress of Logic,
Methodology and Philosophy of Science, Volume of Abstracts, Cracow, Poland, August 20-26, 1999, p. 138. |
Shramko Y. Doxastic actions and doxastic commitments:
belief revision as pure modal logic, in: Smirnov's
Readings; 2nd International Conference, Moscow, 1999, pp.
90-92. |
Shramko Y. Relevant logic, theories of information, and
belief revision, in: Paraconsistent Logic, Logical
Philosophy, Mathematics and Informatics, Torun, 1998, pp.
117-120. |
Shramko Y. A philosophically plausible modified
Grzegorczyk-semantics for first degree relevant intuitionistic
entailment, in: First World Congress on
Paraconsistency, Gent, 1997, pp. 137-140. |
Shramko Y. Semantics for constructive negations,
in: 10th International Congress of Logic,
Methodology and Philosophy of Science, Florence, 1995. |
Shramko Y. Some relevant intuitionistic systems,
Journal of Symbolic Logic, vol. 58, 1993, pp.
1147-1148. |
Shramko Y. Some relevant intuitionistic systems,
in: Abstracts of the 1992 European Summer Meeting of
ASL, Veszprem, 1992, p. 93. |
Shramko Y. New semantics for minimal and intuitionistic
logics, in: Abstracts of the 9th
International Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of
Science, vol. 1, Uppsala, 1991, p. 165. |
Шрамко Я.В. Семантический анализ отрицаний интуиционистского типа //
X Всесоюзная конференция по логике, методологии и философии науки
(24-26 сентября 1990 г.). – Тезисы докладов и выступлений (секции 1-5).
– Минск, 1990. – С. 100-101.
(Shramko Y. Semantic analysis of intuitionistic-type
negations (in Russian), in: Abstracts of
10th AllUnion Congress of Logic, Methodology and
Philosophy of Science, vol. 1, Minsk, 1990, pp. 100-101.) |