Кафедра інформатики та прикладної математики
Фізико-математичний факультет

Are you looking for a high-quality, open-access journal to publish your research on educational technology? If so, you might be interested in submitting your paper to Educational Technology Quarterly (ETQ).

ETQ is a peer-reviewed journal that covers the latest developments and innovations in the field of digital technology and its applications in education. ETQ publishes original research papers, systematic reviews, meta-analyses, and special issues on topics of current interest and relevance to the educational technology community.

ETQ aims to provide a platform for researchers, practitioners, policymakers, and educators to share their insights, experiences, and findings on how digital technology can enhance learning outcomes, teaching practices, and educational systems. ETQ also encourages interdisciplinary and cross-cultural perspectives on educational technology issues.

As a Diamond Open Access journal, ETQ does not charge any fees to authors or readers. You can submit your paper and access the published articles for free. ETQ follows high standards of editorial quality and ethical conduct. ETQ is indexed by DOAJ, ERIH PLUS, and has a distinguished editorial board of experts from around the world.

If you are interested in submitting your paper to ETQ, please read the author guidelines carefully and follow the instructions for online submission. The publication frequency of ETQ is four issues per year (March, June, September, and December).

Journal URL: https://acnsci.org/etq

We look forward to receiving your paper and hope that you will join us in advancing the field of educational technology. Thank you for your attention and interest in ETQ.

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