In this issue:
- Blended learning for teacher training: benefits, challenges, and recommendations
- Improving blended learning in higher technical education institutions with mobile and cloud-based ICTs
- Historical and pedagogical aspects of foreign language education in Ukraine
- An overview of Maritime English teaching and its principles, with a focus on practical applications and best practices online
- MOOCs: an insider’s perspective on a novel educational method with historical, organizational, participatory, and evaluative aspects
- Online lecture strategies for quality training of future primary school teachers
- Adaptive learning concept selection: a bibliometric review of scholarly literature from 2011 to 2019
- Exploring the landscape of STEM education and personnel training: a comprehensive systematic review
- A methodological framework for using cloud-based mobile mathematical environments in higher education
- Overview of Agile frameworks in Computer Science education
- Assessing the effectiveness of research and academic staff's scientific activity: definition of criteria and indicators
- A teenager's psychological potential actualizing model in the children's health and recreation facility developmental environment
- Автор: cc
- Перегляди: 5831
In this issue:
- Paediatric endocrinology curriculum content uniformity across medical schools in Southern Nigeria - Lecturers' report
- Distance learning expert and leader
- Using interactive learning in future aviation professionals teaching English
- Didactic potential of historical research of the Germans in Ukraine
- On the question of the establishment and development of languages education in Canada (XVII - the beginning of XXI century)
- Blended learning: definition, concept, and relevance
- Exploring the quantum frontier in school informatics: a pedagogical journey
- Revitalizing education through the integration of cloud technologies
- Enhancing software engineering education in higher education institutions through cloud-based learning tools: methodological and practical perspectives
- Principles of a unified open personalized computer-integrated learning environment for the Junior Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
- Selection of pedagogical conditions for training STEM teachers to use augmented reality technologies in their work
- An augmented reality-based virtual chemistry laboratory to support educational and research activities of 11th grade students
- Автор: cc
- Перегляди: 10456
In this issue:
- Design of innovative pedagogical systems as a transdisciplinary-oriented concept
- Technologically organized instructional process of higher education
- Theoretical principles of modeling the process of forming realistic professional aim of the future psychologist in the conditions of master's training
- Exploratory analysis and models for strategic learning towards equilibrium
- A symbolic-arithmetic for teaching double-black node removal in red-black trees
- Structurization of educational expedition studies in the form of taxonomies
- Some aspects of the use of cloud computing in the training of physics teachers
- Designing a didactic fairy tale as a key to advanced Physics and Mathematics training in primary schools
- How can the principles of learning be used to select the best ICT tools for computer-based chemistry instruction in high school?
- The experience of thesis writing in terms of the methodological students' digital competence development
- Features of using Moodle tools in the training of future social workers
- Distance learning during COVID-19 pandemic: mobile information and communications technology overview
- Автор: cc
- Перегляди: 10337
In this issue:
- Formation of software design skills among software engineering students
- The importance of computational thinking training for primary school teachers
- The Rusch model-based knowledge assessment algorithm
- A simulation of synchronized curriculum for IT-specialist training based on Petri nets
- Stochastic process computational modeling for learning research
- Features of gamification component introduction during the development of constructive strategies for overcoming youth life crises
- Methodology of studying the value-semantic readiness for learning
- Modeling of an internal educational resource certification system
- Early literacy with augmented reality
- Formation of digital competencies among students of economic specialties
- Some methods for improving data structure teaching efficiency
- Design methodology for immersive educational resources
- Автор: cc
- Перегляди: 10098
In this issue:
- Development of the computer vision system based on machine learning for educational purposes
- Distance learning in primary school during the COVID-19 pandemic: results of the “SMART KIDS” experiment
- A self-assessment tool of the level of digital competence of Ukrainian teachers in the context of lifelong learning: the results of an online survey 2021
- Actual areas of development of digital competence of officers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
- Modeling of the adaptive system of individualization and personalization of future specialists’ professional training in the conditions of blended learning
- Adaptive learning environment design in the system of future maritime specialits’ training
- Extended reality in digital learning: influence, opportunities and risks’ mitigation
- The use of WEB-oriented technologies in the process of WEB- programming teaching for technical universities students
- Formation of students’ readiness for leadership of pupils’ artistic-and-creative activities at the fine arts lessons
- Measuring acceleration at uniformly accelerated motion in terms of differentiation of learning
- Оverview of modern models of training system future teachers
- Pedagogical conditions for the development of students’ polylingual competence of the professional high school
- Автор: cc
- Перегляди: 9465
In this issue:
- Results of integration of Ukrainian education into the European educational area
- Psycholinguistic aspect of polylingualism
- Adult education development in independent Ukraine
- The latest trends in translator training in German higher education institutions
- Foreign experience in evaluating the efficiency of scientific and pedagogical research
- Requirements for the content and training of PhD in the specialty of automation and computer-integrated technologies
- Problematic questions of software requirements engineering training
- Hardware and software tools for teaching the basics of quantum informatics to lyceums students
- The didactic potential of the linguistic-stylistic analysis of the text in the lessons of the Russian language
- Formation of the content of the integrative course “Linguoculturology” in the process of professional training of philologists with an additional specialty “History”
- Research of the phenomenon of professional burnout of employees of the socio-pedagogical sphere
- Model of formation of social competence of students in the process of studying the disciplines of the humanitarian cycle
- Автор: cc
- Перегляди: 8785
In this issue:
- Financial education of schoolchildren with the use of digital technologies: European experience
- European strategy for determining the level of competence in the field of digital technologies: a framework for digital competence for citizens
- Development of a computer-based learning environment in the conditions of multicultural education in the European Union
- Implementation of reflective model of educational practice in the modern Finnish school
- Historical reconstruction of education in author schools of Ukraine
- Marketing of educational services for continuous professional development of modern educator
- Comparative analysis of the structure and content of curricula for translators in higher education institutions of Ukraine and France
- Trends in the development of inclusive education in Ukraine
- Bilingual model of future specialists’ training by means of artistic design
- Axiological approach to the psychological and pedagogical training of future teachers of the new generation
- Diagnosis of the audio-verbal memory as a basic modality of mnemonic processes of elementary school children with Dyslexia
- Regulatory and legal basis of Ukraine’s investment policy in the field of higher education
- Using of Social Media in School Management: Experience of Ukraine and United States of America
- Types and functions of precedent fenomena of culture in the linguodidactic context
- The features of the learning of political linguistics at higher education institutions
- Interactive means of motivating students to learn English for specific purposes at agrarian and technical universities
- Experimental research on the formation of future ship engineers' communicative competence based on gamification approach
- Summer school: a non-formal way to tackle education challenges
- Information support for quality management of education in general educational institutions of Ukraine
- On arranging the procedure of public debate on the educational curriculum draft for Master students majoring in 014 Secondary Education (Mathematics), academic discipline 01 Education/Pedagogics
- Development of critical thinking as a means of forming STEM competencies
- Communicative approach with elements of bilingualism in teaching physics
- Didactic model of formation pedagogical universities students’ digital competence
- Developing of the electronic educational and methodological complex “Automotive design” for the professional training of future teachers of vocational training in the field of transport
- Аnalysis of the use of LCMS Moodle in the educational process of KSPU
- Автор: cc
- Перегляди: 7833
In this issue:
- Types of tasks in the didactization of materials to trace the German in the history of Kiev
- Didacticization of the press texts of the Galician Germans in DaF-lessons
- German traces in Ukraine in German lessons: illustrative, interactive, communicative
- Development of the socio-cultural competence of student teachers on the basis of the findings on the topic “German traces in Ukraine”
- Development of regional and communicative skills when learning German in Kryvyi Rih
- Exercise types for reading comprehension in foreign language classes
- Professional soft competencies of future software engineers: key concepts
- Automation of mind maps
- The use of Arduino software and hardware in a school physical experiment
- Effects on the use of theater projects in teacher training
- Designing the content of the educational institution information and consulting environment
- Didactic conditions for the formation of digital competence of students of pedagogical universities
- Possibilities of application of augmented reality in different branches of education
- Philosophy on bilingual education: Sociocultural competence and Identity
- Monitoring of quality of higher education in Ukraine and Germany: comparative aspect
- Автор: cc
- Перегляди: 5087
In this issue:
- Educational digital games: models and implementation
- Theoretical and methodical aspects of the organization of students’ independent study activities together with the use of ICT and tools
- The areas of educational studies of the cloud-based learning systems
- Pedagogical techniques of Earth remote sensing data application into modern school practice
- Cloud calculations within the optional course Optimization Problems for 10th-11th graders
- Import test questions into Moodle LMS
- The research of process of applying mobile ICT by university students: mobile testing systems and mobile means of multimedia development
- Augmented reality as a tool for open science platform by research collaboration in virtual teams
- Simulation technologies of virtual reality usage in the training of future ship navigators
- Using the Proteus virtual environment to train future IT professionals
- Prospects of using the augmented reality application in STEM-based Mathematics teaching
- The Google Lens analyzing quality: an analysis of the possibility to use in the educational process
- Автор: cc
- Перегляди: 5109
XV International Conference on Mathematics, Science and Technology Education (ICon-MaSTEd 2023) - Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Volume 2288) - proceedings stage
XIV International Conference on Mathematics, Science and Technology Education (ICon-MaSTEd 2022) - Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Volume 2288)
- Автор: Кафедра інформатики та прикладної математики
- Перегляди: 1002
Сторінка 1 із 2