January,  30.

The Speaker:

Svitlana Ovcharenko

Doctor of Sciences in Philosophy, Full Professor, Ukraine

Associate Research Global Governance Centre of

Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (Geneva)

The topic

“Another rational” regularities of information war:

The Russian-Ukrainian case


Abstract. An information war is analyzed as a special case of culturally determined artificial reality, in which communicative processes take place on a rational and non-rational level. Non-rational aspects of the use of information for military purposes are investigated in the context of the ubiquity of aesthetic factors in the functioning of social space, which provides grounds for applying conceptual theoretical generalizations from the field of art studies to a wide range of socio-political phenomena. The concept of "another rationality" allows us to interpret the manifestations of artistic thinking in non-artistic phenomena as a general principle of mindset and activity that is naturally applied in informational confrontation. The typical characteristics of the Russian way of information warfare against Ukraine are the embodiment of the laws of “anrational” thinking, which enables its effective emotional influence and rational irrefutability.

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