April,  30, 2024



Co-founder and co-curator of the memory culture platform Past / Future / Art, Doctor of Science (in Philosophy), Professor at the Philosophy Department at the Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University, member of the Memory Studies Association, author of scientific and educational publications

Title: «Artistic reflection of the imperial heritage»

Oksana Dovgopolova graduated from the Odesa Mechnikov National University with a degree in history, defended her candidate’s and doctoral theses on “Social Philosophy and Philosophy of History.” She completed an internship at the Swiss Peace Foundation (2022), Konsortium Ziviler Friedensdienst (2020-2022), the Museum of Second World War in Gdańsk (2019), the Yad Vashem Museum (2018), Central European University (2012), etc. Experienced in higher education, she has been working in the public sphere. Since 2014, she has been participating in dialogue initiatives in Odesa; launched the public history site Hubs of History. In 2015–2018, she organised several international student schools and public history projects focusing on societal reconciliation in the context of collective memory. Since 2018, she has been a curator of public programs for art projects at the Odesa National Art Museum, the Odesa Museum of Contemporary Art, Oleksandr Bleshchunov Municipal Museum of Private Collections, and the IZOLYATSIA fund. In 2018–2019, she developed the Memory Lab experimental unit at the Babyn Yar Holocaust Memorial Center. In 2019, together with Kateryna Semenyuk, she founded the Past / Future / Art memory culture platform. From February 24, 2022, after russia’s full-scale invasion, the project continues its work with a focus on the commemoration of the Russia-Ukraine war.

About Past/Future/Art https://pastfutureart.org/en/about



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