The preparations of foreigners and stateless citizens are made in accordance with the Laws of Ukraine on “Higher education”, “Legal status of foreigners and stateless persons”, “Foreign Ukrainians”, “Refugees and Persons in need of complementary or temporary protection”, Executive orders of the President of Ukraine dated May, 3 1994, protocol №271 “On Measures to Develop Economic Cooperation of Ukraine’s Regions with Administrative and Territorial Units of the Republic of Moldova”, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on February 26, 1993 № 136 “On Training of Foreign Citizens in Ukraine”, on September 11, 2013 № 684 “Some Issues of Teaching Foreigners and Stateless Persons”, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine from November 1, 2013 № 1541 “Some Issues of Enrollment and Training (Internship) Foreigners and Stateless Persons” registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on November 25, 2013, № 2004/24536 (as amended by the Act of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated December, 11 2015 №1272).Foreigners who get state scholarships according to international agreements, national programs and other international commitments of Ukraine, are enrolled on the basis of Ministry of Education and Science within the scope of the government order.

List of specialties for admission of foreigners and stateless persons to the Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University in 2023

Bachelor                                                                                              Master

Specialties (Educational programs)

 Specialties (Educational programs)

014.02 Secondary Education. Language and Litarature (German)

014.02 Secondary Education. Language and Litarature (German)

014.02 Secondary Education. Language and Litarature (English)

014.02 Secondary Education. Language and Litarature (English)

014.04 Secondary Education (Mathematics)

014.04 Secondary Education (Mathematics)

014.05 Secondary Education (Biology)

014.05 Secondary Education (Biology)

014.06 Secondary Education (Chemistry)

014.06 Secondary Education (Chemistry)

014.07 Secondary Education (Geography)

014.07 Secondary Education (Geography)

014.08 Secondary Education (Physics)

014.08 Secondary Education (Physics)

014.09 Secondary Education (Computer Science)

014.09 Secondary Education (Computer Science)

231 Social work



How to get an invitation to study?

List of document.

To receive an invitation to study, you must collect the following documents:

  1.     a copy of the first page of the foreign passport of a foreigner, containing his personal data, with a translation into           Ukrainian;
  2.     a copy of the document on secondary education with translation into Ukrainian;
  3.     a copy of the appendix to the document on previous education with grades (scores) with a translation into Ukrainian or an academic certificate (indicating the number and title of the document) with a translation into Ukrainian;
  4.     consent to the processing of personal data.

Documents are sent in scanned form (in JPG format) to the e-mail of the International Relations Department [email protected] 

For foreigners and stateless persons, the reception of applications and documents, entrance examinations conducted by the University, competitive selection and enrollment for the degree of "bachelor" is carried out in the following terms:

Stages of the introductory campaign

Full-time / part-time study

Start accepting applications and documents

01 June  2024

Completion of applications and documents

26 October 2024

Terms of entrance examinations

From  1 June  to October 29 2024, but not later than ten days after the arrival of foreign nationals in Ukraine

Terms of enrollment of entrants

After the tests, but not later than 30 October 2024

For foreigners and stateless persons, applications and documents, entrance examinations conducted by the University, competitive selection and enrollment for the degree of "master" are held in the following terms:

Stages of the introductory campaign

Full-time study

Part-time study

Start accepting applications and documents

 28 June 2024

28 June 2024

Completion of applications and documents

26 October 2024

26 October 2024

Terms of entrance examinations

From 1 July  to 29 October 2024

From 1 July  to 29 October 2024

Terms of enrollment of entrants

not later than 29 October 2024

not later than 30 October 2024

Foreigners and stateless persons who enter the University submit the following documents to the University Admission Committee:

  1. a copy of a foreign passport with visa and entry stamp;
  2. application form;
  3. degree certificate and appendix with received grades in academic disciplines;
  4. document about the absence of HIV infection unless otherwise provided by international treaties of Ukraine;
  5. medical health certificate approved by the official health authority of the country from which the foreigner arrived, and issued no later than two months before leaving to study in Ukraine;
  6. insurance card of delivering emergency medical care (except the foreigners from the countries, who have completed the free emergency medical care agreement);
  7. document copy of a birth certificate;
  8. eight coloured matte photos in the size of 3,5 × 4,5 cm;
  9. written agreement on personal data processing;
  10. invitation to study in Ukraine;

The above mentioned documents must be prepared in Ukrainian or have a certified translation into Ukrainian and the documents mentioned in paragraphs "b", "c", "d" and "e" are to be certified according to the laws of the issuing country.

The document on education must pass the procedure of recognition and establishment of equivalence, carried out in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated May 5, 2015 № 504 "Some issues of recognition of foreign educational documents in Ukraine", registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine № 614/27059.
