The meeting of the scientific and methodical seminar took place April 4, 2019 at the Department of Pedagogy. The report of candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor I.A. Voloshchuk («Formation of Civic and Social Competences of Students in studying mathematics») and the report of candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor S.M. Shcherbina («Essential characteristics of professionally significant personal qualities of a future teacher in the context of Concept of New Ukrainian School») were discussed during the meeting.
Doctor of Pedagogic Sciences, Full Professor T.O. Doronina, candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor O.S. Bilous, candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor N.I. Zelenkova and candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor V.V. Ivanova took part in the discussion.
Associate professor O.S. Bilous is responsible for the work of the scientific and methodical seminar.
- Written by Кафедра педагогіки
- Hits: 460
A regular meeting took place on March 28, 2019 according to the schedule of seminar for young scientists. Doctor of Pedagogic Sciences, Full Professor T.O. Doronina, candidate of pedagogical sciences, assistant professor V.V. Ivanova, candidate of pedagogical sciences, assistant professor I.E. Makarenko, candidate of pedagogical sciences, assistant professor O.B. Potapenk, candidate of pedagogical sciences, assistant professor S.M. Shcherbyna, post-graduate students and applicants of the Department of Pedagogy participated in it.
Doctor of Pedagogic Sciences, Full Professor T.O. Doronina spoke and gave methodical advice to young scientists as to the competent definition of the methodology of scientific research; candidate of pedagogical sciences, assistant professor S.M. Shcherbyna specified the theoretical definition of scientific apparatus of study; candidate of pedagogical sciences, assistant professor I.E. Makarenko acquainted postgraduates and applicants with modern opportunities to receive grants for scientific research.
The postgraduate student of the IIId year of studying T.I. Khovryakova (the theme of the report: «The concept of «pedagogical press» in the national scientific discourse») performed the results of dissertation work. The postgraduate student of IId years of studying K.E. Stupak presented an article prepared for printing in a scientific professional edition of Ukraine (the topic of the article: «The system of education in Finland and its peculiarities»).
Business, friendly atmosphere and dialogic interaction of the participants were during the seminar of young scientists. At the end of the meeting, further plans of the seminar and tasks were specified. And perspectives of scientific research of the dissertations were determined.
S.M. Shcherbyna is responsible for the seminar of young researchers.
- Written by Кафедра педагогіки
- Hits: 468
On March 21, 2019, the IVth All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference «Higher Education Pedagogy: Experience and Development Trends» (Zaporizhzhya) was held, co-organizers were Academy of Sciences of Higher Education of Ukraine and Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University. On the same day a sectional meeting of the IVth All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference «Pedagogics of Higher School: Experience and Development Trends» was held at the Department of Pedagogics of Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University. An introductory word to the participants of the section session was addressed by Doctor of Pedagogic Sciences, Full Professor T.O. Doronina, who outlined some of gender problems of higher education. The teachers touched the problems of professionalism and skills of teaching activities of higher institutions’ teacher in their speeches at the section session (candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor O.S. Belous, candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor N.I. Zelenkova), formation of information and communication competence of a future teacher during the course of practice at a higher education institution (candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor I.A. Voloshchuk), formation of readiness of future teachers to innovate as a factor in the development of their professionalism and skills (candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor V.V. Ivanova, candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor S.M. Shcherbyna); higher education in Ukraine: Problems and Prospects (candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor A.M. Korol).
Postgraduate students, candidates and masters of the department also spoke with interesting and relevant reports on preparation of a teacher of higher education in the context of the reform of society, formation and development of the personality of a specialist in the educational process of the institution of higher education.
- Written by Кафедра педагогіки
- Hits: 472
On March 20, in Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University, the Department of Pedagogy held a regional scientific and practical seminar on the topic: «Life-long learning as a conceptual idea of a modern model’s developing of education».
An introductory word to the participants of the seminar was addressed by Doctor of Pedagogic Sciences, Full Professor T.O. Doronina drew attention to the prospects of higher education in modern development of the country and stressed the need for education throughout their lives.
The seminar was attended by teachers from schools of Kryvyi Rih and suburban schools, teachers, post-graduate students, masters and students of KDPU.
The report of an ICT teacher of Krivoy Rog secondary school № 113 T.O. Vlasova was snteresting. She touched the problems of forming the icon-competence of a modern teacher.
The seminar was attended by the head of the department of legal education and interaction with subjects – N.E. Kozhemyaka, who spoke about work and opportunities of the center for providing free legal assistance in protecting interests and rights of citizens, privileges and state guarantees, etc.
A student of the faculty of Ukrainian philology, KDPU, D.V. Dovgopola talked about «Peculiarities of application of theoretical works V.O. Sukhomlinsky and A.S. Makarenko in the XXI century in the formation of personality through a team in a modern school»;
A student of the department of foreign languages, KPUU, K.Yu. Gurina revealed «The role of information and communication technologies in the organization of lifelong education»; student of the department of foreign Languages, KDPU, F.A. Gekkiyeva reported on» Family origins of gender socialization».
Y.A. Fedoruk raised the problematic issues that caused a lively discussion in her report «Using innovative technologies of education in higher school». The report «Communicative competence as a component of professional competence of a modern teacher» was made by the master of science Yu.O. Herasymenko.
A student of the natural faculty of KDPU and an educator in kindergarten № 1, K.A. Nikola made a presentation «Formation of ecological competence of students in the process of studying biology».
The issues of state educational policy of Ukraine, socio-cultural issues of the concept of continuous education, innovative processes and pedagogical technologies of the organization of continuous education were discussed at the seminar in the lively discussion.
All participants of the seminar were awarded with certificates. The materials of the speeches were published in the journal of the pedagogical department «Pedagogical Kryvorizhya» (2019, No. 5).
The pedagogical department is sincerely grateful to the employees of the information and bibliographic department (O. Polishchuk and S. Kocherga) who provided the information support of the seminar.
The next workshop will be held in early 2020.
We invite colleagues who are not indifferent to problems of development of higher pedagogical education.
Candidate of pedagogical sciences, assistant professor A.M. Korol is responsible for the seminar.
- Written by Кафедра педагогіки
- Hits: 477
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International Women’s Day is celebrated around the world as a day when women are recognized for their achievements without regard to divisions, whether national, ethnic, linguistic, cultural, economic or political. Since its early years, this day has helped direct society’s attention to women’s rights and women’s increased in the political, social, public and economic arenas. Illustration: Dana Rvana |
- Written by Кафедра педагогіки
- Hits: 511
On February 21, 2019, the seminar for young scientists was held. Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, full Professor T.O. Doronina, candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, associate professor I.A. Voloshchuk, candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, associate professor V.V. Ivanova, candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, associate professor A.M. Korol, candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, associate professor S.M. Shcherbina, post-graduate students and applicants of the Department of Pedagogy took part in it.
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, full Professor T.O. Doronina spoke before the presentations. She provided methodological advice to young scientists as to the scientifically evaluated definition of the methodological basis, approaches, methods of scientific research. T.O. Doronina engaged in the need to comply with the requirements of Ukrainian scientific writing.
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, associate professor I.A. Voloshchuk introduced post-graduate students and applicants with the mechanisms of influence of emotional intelligence on the success of scientific research.
Post-graduate student of the 3rd year V.K. Kovalenko delivered the results of the second part of the dissertation (the theme of the report: «Formation of readiness of future teachers of fine arts to use computer graphics in professional activity»).
The seminar of young people took place in a business, friendly atmosphere and dialogue interaction of experienced and young scientists. The next meeting is on the last Thursday of March.
Candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor S.M. Shcherbina is responsible for the seminar for young researchers.
- Written by Кафедра педагогіки
- Hits: 445
A good tradition of the Department of Pedagogy is the participation of its teachers in the work of teachers’ methodological associations of the city.
The meeting of teachers’ methodological associations was held on the basis of Kryvyi Rih secondary schools where associate professors of the Department of Pedagogy took part in January 2019. They are:
˗ On January 09, 2019 a meeting of teachers’ regional methodical association of Ukrainian language and literature of Metallurgical region was held on the basis of KGES of І-ІІІ degrees № 26 where associate professors Bilous O.S, Voloshchuk I.A. took part;
˗ On January 10, 2019 a meeting of teachers’ methodical association of mathematics, biology, chemistry, Ukrainian language and literature, geography of Dovgintsi district was held on the basis of KGES of І-ІІІ degrees № 108 where associate professor of the department Shcherbyna S.М. took part;
˗ On January 28, 2019, on the basis of KGES I-III degrees № 79, a meeting of teachers' council was held at the directors of the school where associate professor of the department Korol A.M. took part.
Teachers promoted the scientific and pedagogical activities of the university and the Department of Pedagogy at the meetings of methodological associations, within the framework of conducting vocational guidance work.
During the conversation, the teachers of the department noted that from 2017 there is a magistracy in the specialty: 011 Educational, Pedagogical sciences (specialization - Pedagogics of higher education) exists on the basis of the Department of Pedagogy of KSPU. They also acquainted participants with the possibility of obtaining a qualification of a teacher regardless of the previous education’s profile and the availability of experience in teaching, with the conditions of admission to the magistracy and opportunities for further employment.
At the end of the meeting, the teachers of the department appealed to educators with a proposal to spread the information about the magistracy among the city's educational community and invited those who want to study at magistracy and graduate school at Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University.
- Written by Кафедра педагогіки
- Hits: 479
A regular meeting was held on January 24, 2019 according to the schedule of the seminar for young scientists. Doctor of pedagogic sciences, full professor T.O. Doronina, candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor I.A. Voloshchuk, candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor N.I. Zelenkova, candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor S.M. Shcherbina, postgraduates and applicants of the Department of Pedagogy took part in this seminar. Doctor of pedagogic sciences, full professor T.O. Doronina provided methodological advice to young scientists on the preparation and publication of scientific articles in the research issue. Also candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor N.I. Zelenkova acquainted postgraduates and applicants with requirements for the defense of candidate's dissertation. The postgraduate student of the III year of studying G.I. Ivanova performed the results of her work (the topic of the report: «The essence of the concept «Culture of mental labor. Time management as a pedagogical technology for the formation of a culture of students’ mental work»). The postgraduate student of the II year of studying K.E. Stupak performed the results of her work too (the topic of the report: «Features of the education system in Finland»). Business, friendly atmosphere and dialogic interaction of the participants prevailed during the seminar for young scientists.
Candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor S.M. Shcherbina is responsible for the seminar for young researchers.
- Written by Кафедра педагогіки
- Hits: 449
For fast copying:
- to complete an online application for participation in the seminar
- materials of the article – electronic version are to be send to the address:
[email protected], with the mark: "Seminar_Continuous education".
- Written by Кафедра педагогіки
- Hits: 354
December 20, 2018 there was a regular meeting of the scientific and methodical seminar of the department at the Department of Pedagogy. A number of important issues were discussed during it: accreditation’s results of specialty 011 Educational pedagogical sciences; preparation for a regional scientific and practical seminar for teachers and young scientists "Life-long learning as a conceptual idea of a contemporary model’s developing of education"; the issue of methodological materials’ placing of fundamental pedagogical disciplines in the Moodle system and so on.
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- Written by Кафедра педагогіки
- Hits: 323