The topic of the research work of the department: “Formation of professional competence of the future teacher of music art”. The scientific achievements of the academic staff of the department include 3 monographs, 10 textbooks, a range of methodological recommendations, dictionaries, textbooks of musical repertoire, tests for independent preparation of students, scientific publications in periodicals, which are included in the scientific base, recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science.

The Department holds a bi-annual All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference “Art Education: Theory, Methodology, Technologies”.

Students are involved in the work of the scientific group and problem groups in the department:

1. “Professional training of future music teachers”, headed by Professor N. Ovcharenko;

2. “Formation of vocal culture of secondary and high school students”, headed by Associate Professor L. Kosiak;

3. “Conducting and choir training of future teachers of music”, headed by Associate Professor R. Liubar;

4. “Realizing the educational potential of art in the educational process of a comprehensive school”, headed by Associate Professor L. Rakitianska.
