Pechenina Natalia ‒ Head of the Department, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor. | |
Selyshcheva Iryna ‒ Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Geography, Tourism and History, Senior Lecturer, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences. | |
Romanets Nataliia ‒ Professor of the Department of History of Ukraine and Law Studies, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor. | |
Zadorozhna Liliia ‒ Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor. |
Mak Tatiana ‒ Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor. | |
Tarasov Andrii ‒ Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor. | |
Tytarenko Dmytro ‒ Doctor of History, Professor. |
Yashin Vadim ‒ Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor. | |
Polishchuk Oksana ‒ Senior Lecturer. | |
Turchyna Valentina ‒ Senior Laboratory Assistant. |
Finicheva Victoria ‒ Senior Laboratory Assistant. |
- Written by Department of International Relations
- Hits: 425