The Student Council of KSPU is the driving force of positive social changes. Recently the activists of the faculties together with the Student Club announced the challenge of good deeds: «#Творидобро».


     At the beginning of November, the start of the best challenge was announced on the official Facebook page of the Student Club. Its main goal is to make a small gesture of positive expression for those who need it. Representatives of the faculties quickly took up this initiative and rushed to implement their volunteer projects.

     The essence of this marathon was to send a “good challenge” to others so they could start working on positive deeds for others. Challenge «#Творидобро» had a wavy character and covered various socially important topics. After the implementation of the plan, young people edited a motivation video to draw attention to issues which are relevant in our society.

     Pedagogical students independently chose a topic they are interested in covering. The girls from Faculty of Ukrainian Philology focused on the problem of environmental pollution. Together they organized a global clean-up of the park and surrounding areas (click the link to watch it).

     Representatives of Faculty of Psychology and Pedagogy, taking into account specifics of their activities, decided to add positive mood to others. They bought delicacies and went to give passers-by some “autumn apples of good” (details are in the video).

     Students at Faculty of Foreign Languages highlighted the current problem of bullying. The video series, prepared by the students of this Faculty, reveals a number of problematic issues and encourages reflection: “How do we live? How do we treat each other? Why are we so cruel?” You can see the result of their work on the link.

     The issue of increasing the area covered with forest vegetation has always been relevant for Ukraine. Students of Faculty of Natural Sciences together with their Dean went to plant oak seedlings. Such a small action and such a big deal for us and future generations! Details are represented in the video report.

     The community of Faculty of Physics and Mathematics decided to cheer up the passing grandparents, because they, like no other, need our care. Flowers, sweets and good mood – all this warms the heart! Are you interested? Follow the link to find out more.

     The initiative group of Faculty of Preschool and Technological Education focused on the gifts for children, who are in the Training and Rehabilitation Center №1. The children were very happy with sweets, stationary, toys and other things which were brought by adults. Children’s reactions are recorded on video.

     The Faculty of Arts also supported this initiative. They decided to prepare food kits and present them to people in need. Sincere emotions of gratitude are an invaluable experience that fills the heart with warmth. How it was, you can watch following the link.

     It is possible and necessary to give good not only to people, but also to our “younger brothers”. This was proved by Faculty of Geography, Tourism and History, whose representatives visited the city animal shelter. The boys and girls fed the animals, bought the necessary things and, of course, played with the fluffy animals. Details are in the video.

     Students of KSPU proved that doing good deeds is not an easy, but also pleasant. KSPU invites everyone to join the challenge of good deeds and share photos or videos with the hashtag on social networks.
