March 3, 2019 marks the 100th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding scientist-mathematician O. V. Pogorelov. In addition to fruitful scientific work, he paid special attention to mathematical education. Kharkiv National University named after V.N. Karazin together with the Kharkiv Academy of Continuing Education held National Ukrainian Conference "Problems of Teaching Geometry in Educational Institutions: Theory, Methodology, Practice" for teachers of schools, teachers and academics from the universities of Ukraine on April 8-10, 2019. Participants of the conference participated in the conference and delivered their reports to Senior Lecturer of the chair of Mathematics and methods of its teaching Dmytro (Yevhenovych) Bobyliev and Associate Professor Tetiana (Hryhorivna) Kramarenko. The conference was held at the Kharkiv National University named after V. N. Karazin.

Conference sections:

  1. Mathematical education in Ukraine and the world: history, state, innovations.
  2. Teaching geometry in school and higher: theory, methodology, practice.
  3. Competency approach in mathematical education and educational measurements.
  4. Use of computer mathematical systems in mathematics courses.
  5. Distance learning forms of mathematics: state, problems, perspectives.
  6. Problems of creating textbooks and geometry programs.
  7. Interdisciplinary connections in mathematic classes.


  1. D. Bobyliev made a presentation "Implementation of the connections of concepts of metric space with the school course of geometry while learning the functional analysis of future Mathematics teachers"
  2. T. Kramarenko made a presentation "Competence potential of textbooks of geometry O. V. Pogorelov for secondary school"

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