Department of Pedagogy
Kryvyi Rih state pedagogical university

The staff of the department conducts scientific activity  which is aimed at studying  the problem of  forming professional competence of  future teachers in the process of studying pedagogical disciplines, assessing the effectiveness of existing technologies in teaching and student youth’s education  and  introduction of advanced pedagogical experience.

The main purpose of this work is  providing high-quality training for future teachers who must know modern pedagogical technologies and strive for continuous professional self-improvement. Therefore, the priorities in  the department’s scientific work are:

- professional self-improvement of teachers in  scientific-theoretical and methodical directions;

- pedagogical support of students’ research work.

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In accordance with this  the department helds  All-Ukrainian and University scientific and scientific-practical conferences systematically; where representatives from different higher educational institutions and scientific institutions take part. The materials of these conferences are published in the collections of scientific articles of the department and university. The results of the conferences’ scientific activities  are highlighted  in professional collection of scientific works of  KSPU “Pedagogy of  Higher and  Middle School”. In general, during 2012-2016  the lecturers of the department published 37 articles in the collections of scientific works that are  included in the list of professional editions in pedagogy.Scientific seminars are regularly held by the department and  representatives of educational community of the city and region attend them; among the latest are: "Formation of the teacher's image in the condition of modern educational practice" (25.10.2013); "Gender education in  modern school" (28.03.2014); "Innovative pedagogical activity as a factor of  prevention  of  teacher’s emotional burnout " (27.03.2015); "Using the latest pedagogical technologies in the condition of  modernization of modern education" (27.03.2017). The materials of the seminars are published in the scientific and methodological journal of the department "Pedagogical Kryvorizhya", the annual publication of which is carried out to begin with 2013. The scientific and methodological communication of the department’s  lecturers continues with the citizenship teaching during lecturers’ work at the courses for the development of teachers' qualifications (The center for advanced training, retraining, improvement).

The  Department conducts university olympiads annually which are attended by students of all faculties (approximately 100 people). The department also has problem groups (3), which are led by lecturers of  the department. The average number of students who work annually in these groups is 40-50 people. The results of the work are scientific articles, term papers, presentations at student scientific seminars and conferences.

From 2008 to 2011  lecturers of the department worked in the development of the topic "Theory and practice of future educators’ preparing for the harmonization of intellectual and emotional factors in teaching secondary school students", which was included in the research plan of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine  17.11. 2008 № 1043 (the results of the study were executed in 70 publications, totaly 190.12 printed pages , including 2 monographs (44.64 pr.p.); 5 teaching aids (62.23 pr.p.); 3 collections of scientific works (78.35 pr.p.); 3 methodical recommendations (4.7 pr.p.); scientific articles - 62 (26.2 pr.p.). From 2011 to 2016, the department developed the theme: "Formation of competencies of  teachers and students in modern school" in directions. Results are : 2 monographs (42 d. pr.p.), 3 teaching aids (31 pr.p.), 2 collections of scientific work (34 pr.p.), scientific articles - 32 (pr.p.).

From 2017 the department has been developing  the theme "Theoretical and methodological principles  of the future teacher’s professional training  in the conditions of modernization of continuous pedagogical education".

Main directions of scientific work  in accordance with the approved theme are:

- establishment of  theoretical and methodological principles for updating the contents of  future teacher’s professional training;

- reasoning of theoretical and methodological foundations, forms, methods and means of forming a creative person;

- formation of professional -creative competence of  future teacher by means of independent work;

- development of theoretical background and testing of practical recommendations for pedagogical training of future teachers in realization of  gender approach in educational process.
