Галерея - Передісторія створення Тренінг-центру
Відкриття Тренінг-центру "Лідер XXI століття" стало логічним завершенням участі доцента кафедри практичної психології, к. пед. н. Чаркіної Олени Анатоліївни у складі команди КДПУ в «UKRAINE HIGHER EDUCATION LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME» (2017-2018, British Council, UK).
The Ukraine Higher Education Leadership Development Programme is an innovative project aimed at fostering leadership culture in the national higher education. The programme is a combination of series of learning modules delivered by leading trainers from the Leadership Foundation for Higher Education (UK), an opportunity to visit a British partner university as well as practicing leadership skills by working on an institutional change project.
The British Council has been implementing the Programme from 2016 to 2019 in partnership with the Institute of Higher Education of the NAES of Ukraine and the Leadership Foundation for Higher Education (UK), supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.
The Programme participants are university teams comprised of 7 team members each. These teams will work together on an innovative change project for the university’s development. University teams include senior/middle managerial staff (rector/pro-rector and head(s) of department), administrative and academic staff, and student representative. Each team member is responsible for a certain strand of the change project, takes an active part in the team work and makes a valuable input into its success.
The Programme requires that the university team follows the “5+2” learning format: 5 team members take part in the “Team Leadership” component, while 2 team members are participants of the “Young Leaders” component.