СавченкоЛО Savchenko LarysaDoctor of Pedagogic Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department.
КучерСЛ Kucher SvitlanaDoctor of Pedagogic Sciences, Associate Professor.
ЯковлеваВА Yakovlieva ViktoriiaDoctor of Pedagogic Sciences, Associate Professor.
КулІнкаЮС Kulinka YuliiaCandidate of Pedagogic Sciences, Associate Professor, Acting Dean of the Faculty.
серегина и ю Serohina IrynaCandidate of Pedagogic Sciences, Associate Professor.
 ДрашкоОМ Drashko Olena Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences, Senior Lecturer.
 ВолковаНВ Volkova NataliiaCandidate of Pedagogic Sciences, Associate Professor.